As valued customer we aim to provide you with fast free shipping wherever you may be. Items are processed daily and usually shipped next day direct from the manufacturer.
We are proud to ship to over 180 countries around the world, including:
- Australia
- New Zealand
- America
- Canada
- United Kingdom
And many more …
As a general rule the delivery times outlined below are time periods we have calculated from previous shipments. However, as we expand our business and products we work with new manufactures from different parts of the world that ship directly to your door step. In orders for multiple products, some products may be sent in separate packages to keep costs to minimum for us, so we can send it to you for free.
90 % of products | Delivered within 1-2 weeks |
5% of products | Delivered within 3-4 weeks |
5% of products | Delivered within 5-6 weeks |
The delivery times provided by The Shot Shop are estimates only. We cannot be held accountable for late deliveries or loss or damage relating to late deliveries. In the event that multiple items are ordered, part deliveries may be made where stock is not available. All reasonable attempts to notify you will be made using the details you provided.
The shipping address for your order is shown in the checkout and on your order confirmation and shipping confirmation emails. In the event that an incorrect address was entered, address changes can only made until the order begins processing. The Shot Shop cannot accommodate all address change requests, but we’ll try.
We takes no responsibility for orders shipped to an incorrect or invalid address and is not liable for any loss associated.
We know that if you’re are ordering online then your probably a busy person, so we understand that you might not be home to sign for your delivery. Therefore your package will not need a signature upon arrival. Please note that The Shot Shop cannot be held responsible for your order once it has been delivered. In the case that your order goes missing no claims can be made against The Shot Shop so please be aware of the risks.
If a product arrives and it is not as described in the product information, broken/ damaged or does not arrive at all. Contact us within 30 days with proof of purchase and we will organise a replacement or refund.